Saturday, May 28, 2016


Here is an update!
First of all I am going to talk about the progress report on the film Dinosaur Daze.  Is it doomed for extinction?  I hope not!  Here is the scoop.  When the Motion Analysis Projector malfunctioned, the projector was going to be fixed in July.  I thought all hope was lost until I found an article on line from a PDF file of the old magazine, Super-8 Filmmaker where it was talking about rotoscoping with Super-8.  The article was written by Yvonne Anderson and she wrote that recommended the JK Optical Printer.  Just remove the camera and use the projector.  Then I thought, if the JK Optical Printer can do rotoscope like the Motion Analysis Projector, then it can do Dynamation by adding in a Projector Lens.  I told Adam Savje about it and wrote to he asked me about the article and I gave it to him via email.
He tried it and it did not work well, he recommended use a different wider-angle lens.  I agreed and we will try this thing for two weeks.  Let us hope for the best or else this project will be extinct just like other dinosaur movies that never got made like Jim Danforth's Timegate, David Allen's The Primevals, or War Eagles from the team who did the original King Kong.

So here is a Timegate, the movie that never was.

There will be more Powerpuff Girls 2016 Vlogs, but the trouble is, the camera malfunctioned because the memory disk got full.

That is all.

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