Monday, March 2, 2015

Hail to the King!

On March 2nd 1933, there was one movie that took America by storm (not to mention getting their minds off the Great Depression).  King Kong was the name and it's wonder gained its fame.  There was a sequel, two high-profile remakes and a ton in imitations in all forms of media (e.g. comic books, other films, TV shows and cartoons).  It has been over 80 years and it holds the test of time.  Also, Kong's animator, Willis O'Brien was born on March 2nd 1886 (he died in November 8th 1962).   This movie had a grand effect on many other people at a young age.  Including me.  If it wasn't for this flick, there would be no love for stop-motion animation, dinosaurs, apes and voyaging into the world of obscure and bizarre cinema (in the words of Carl Denham, "Something no one has ever seen or heard of").
Happy Birthday Kong and Obie (short for O'Brien) and to pay tribute to the great timeless classic, here is my senior thesis film, Hail to the King - A King named Kong.

Hail to the King - A King named Kong (Teaser Trailer) from Matthew B. Lamont on Vimeo.

Hail to the King - A King named Kong (Trailer) from Matthew B. Lamont on Vimeo.

Hail to the King - A King named Kong by matthew-lamont-9237