Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

I have a new music video.  It is from 2010 and it is called "Soul Dracula" by Hot Blood from 1977.

I hop you enjoy it and Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UDATE! Will this short movie be back on production?

What time is it?  It's update time!
Yesterday, I got word from Adam Savje and he said that brought a projector from one of those e-bay links and he said he will test when it comes out.
There will be a good chance that this film will be back in production!
Keep your shirts on cowboys, Dinosaur Daze will be completed!

Friday, October 14, 2016


I spoke to Adam Savje and he said the 16mm motion analysis projector was not working.  I told him about Jim Bales and his 16mm motion analysis projector at M.I.T.  I will find give Jim an e-mail and talk to him on Monday.  Hopefully this project (i.e. Dinosaur Daze) will be back on the ground. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

In two days...

In two day I will come back to work on Dinosaur Daze.  I hope the projector is fixed. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Here I am! Rocking like a hurricane.

Yes with Hurricane Matthew going around recently, people have been comparing me to it.  This picture is taken from a NASA satellite.  It looks spooky in time for the season. 

I for one should enjoy it while it lasts.  The news has been calling it Monster Matthew.  I like that name. Because I like monster movies.  It is an interesting but weird experience. 

 It is like your name is Doug and people make fun of your name by associating it with the cartoon from the 90's.

Here is another update and I got another word from Adam saying that I will meet him on Friday October 14th. Let's see how Dinosaur Daze will be doing.  Hopefully it will be rising out of the ashes and back into production.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Powerpuff Girls 2016 Vlog - "TTG vs. PPG."

I am back vlogging about the crossover episode.  This made me jump to a conclusion about this show.  What is it?  Find out on today's vlog!
Also, if you a fan of Teen Titans Go! click on this link.
