Tuesday, November 29, 2016


It is that time again for an update on Dinosaur Daze.  Good news, the projector came yesterday.  The bad news is that it is missing a plug.  It has three European input devices and needs a cord made up of a device with three European output devices.  I will be informed by the end of the week. 

Stay tuned.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Getting Recognition.

As you know, I love monster movies because they are out of the ordinary and have special effects that steal the picture.  I am also a member of the Kaijuphile Message Board (where I post obscure monster movies) and the Classic Horror Film Board (where I post movies that never got made).  Recently, Enshohama, a member of the Kaijuphile Message Board and a blogger  mentioned me in one of  his posts.   

I also got known for making the documentary, Hail to the King - A King Named Kong in 2014.  I wanted to find a away to promote it.  One day I was minding my own business on Facebook and I stumbled upon a podcast about the Hong Kong King Kong clone, Mighty Peking Man on the Ape Suit Cinema page.  The podcast was called Bad Asses, Boobs and Body Count and they announced that they are going to do an episode about the 1976 remake of King Kong as their 200th episode. 

They said that they are looking for an e-mail or voicemail about their podcast.  I gave in my e-mail and as a result.  It was on the podcast! It appears at the 12:33 mark.   Also if you just want to listen to that sample, it is available. 

If I were you, check out their website and listen to those podcasts.  Give them an e-mail or voicemail and tell them that Matthew B. Lamont sent you here.

This year, the Dino De Laurentiis remake of King Kong is 40.  So if it is your favorite movie, give it a watch.

Shout out goes to the folks behind the podcast, Badasses, Boobs and Body Counts.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Here is a video I got involved in nine years ago.  I appear at the 6:58 mark.  I did most of these Ken Burns effects and editing.  This was an exercise in my timing and animation.  My brother did the narration.  This documentary, which was my mother's idea, was an assignment for a Video Documentary class at Bunker Hill Community College.  So here is A Thanksgiving Celebration from 2007.

Enjoy the show.

By the way, here are my top five holidays:
5. Valentine's Day.
4. Fourth of July.
3. Halloween.
2. Thanksgiving.
1. Christmas.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ben and Me.

Here are pictures of me with Ben Franklin.  OK, he is an actor in his nineties named Dick. 
He said, "You can call me Ben, you can call me Dick but don't call me Benedict."
These pictures were taken on my birthday back in September. 
