Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Mermaniac (2014)

This video was made in Stop-Motion II class. In this class, you need to work in a team. I was not only in charge of visual effects but vocal effects too. I did some creature voices and the voice of Mermaniac and the old merman. However, the old mernan's voice was rejected and got replaced with the creature voices. Why did I do the voices for Mermaniac (which was never shown in the final cut), because everyone in my class, male or female refused to voice her! Sad eh, but someone has to do it! If Mel Blanc, Frank Oz, Paul Frees, Jerry Nelson, and Frank Welker can do female voices, so can I! Monty Python did some female roles too! So, I hope you enjoy it.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Danny Darko (2014)

For Digital Toolbox II, I was assigned to work in a group to make an animation that involves darkness, my professor, Dan Rowe, and mustard. It was a messy job. While everyone was busy with the visuals, I ended up assigning myself doing the audio. I found this scary vampire howl from a horror video logo from the eighties. They liked it. Oh yeah, the CGI creepy face, that was Dan's animation.
Here it is.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

New Music Video!!!!

That's right you heard me, a new music video, but this one is a dark one.
This is The Winning End by Joe Bean Esposito from the movie, Staying Alive (1983).
Side effects include nightmares and a bad night's sleep, so if you are prone to this due to the dark nature of it, then you have been warned!
(I love saying that.)
Here it is.

By the way, I changed the intro and closing sequence.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

UPDATE (1-May-2018)

It has come to my attention that yesterday I spoke to Adam, and he told me to see if there are any news  about the projector.  He said that he hasn't touched it because of he was busy.  He told me that at the beginning of June we are going to talk about it. 
(I better come up with a solution for getting Dinosaur Daze off the ground as soon as possible.)